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View Full Version : pet mice bedding in compost?

07-17-2009, 01:32 PM
My kids have some pet white mice and we use wood shavings (aspen, cedar or pine, depending on what store we go to) for their bedding. When I change it, do you think it's safe to be composted and eventually go on vegetables? These are regular old pet store mice, born and raised in captivity, and eat only commercial mouse food, which should be vegetarian, but you never know with these companies.

Second, once I get my chicken tractor going, probably not until next spring, but thinking ahead.... could this bedding be put in the beds where the chickens would be?


07-20-2009, 09:13 PM
I don't know the answer, but my guess is no to both. You could probably compost it for use elsewhere on your property.

I don't compost kitty litter either.

Anyone else know the answer for sure?

07-26-2009, 05:16 PM
Sure you could compost both bedding material. I compost all of the chicken bedding and what little mouse bedding you will make surely couldnt hurt anything. That being said look up Hanta virus. Killed a few folks around the 4 corners area a few years ago. Oh jeez I didnt even think about Ecoli!!
Thats it we are all gonna die.................