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View Full Version : What can you do to make your bathroom more eco-friendly?

09-03-2009, 12:39 PM
Use Ceramic Tiles

Install ceramic tiles for countertops, wall and floor. Ceramic tile is cheaper to install, to produce and prevents damages from moisture. You may also find some tiles that are made from recyclable material.

Mold and mildew

Simple install a fan in the bathroom. It helps you to keep the bath dry and prevent mold and mildew. It would be better if you have put a timer on the fan and set the schedule.

Shower Head

As you all know, shower takes lots more water than bath. Low-flow shower head can save lots water and lower your energy bill. Regular shower heads don

09-04-2009, 02:47 PM
We are having EXTREMELY BAD moisture damage issues with our shower. The water seeps through the grout and into the backerboard, dry wall, studs, etc. We have wet rot everywhere, along with health-threatening mold. We've tried regrouting, sealing the grout, etc. If we could afford to, we would rip out and replace the ceramic tile shower with something seamless (similar to what faux marble countertops are made of). I only wish that ceramic tile would be the answer to all of our issues. It seems to be the cause!

If you can explain to me where we are going wrong, I would be happy to readdress the issue again....