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View Full Version : Hello, from California

09-02-2008, 10:12 PM
Hi, My name is Pamm, yes with two M's. I came across Patti's Angora bunny trimming video quite by accident but ended up spending hours pouring over all of her various things on this site. As I told you Patti it was my birthday and you made it a very nice relaxing and quite inspiring day. You are one incredibly talented woman and I hope to reap many ideas from you. Keep up the wonderful ideas!

09-03-2008, 03:25 PM
Welcome Pamm (with two m's),

I am so honored that you spent a day with me on the website! There is a bunch of new content going there, so please enjoy. I can't wait to here about your projects and experiments as well.

I am really just a film producing Mom who decided to turn the camera on herself to share what I was doing with the world.


Welcome Pamm and share your thoughts, questions and ideas with the rest of us.

All the Best,
