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11-16-2009, 09:49 PM
Does anyone know where I can buy black garlic seeds? or Bulbs? I've googled and googled without success. Thanks, DLL

11-18-2009, 09:34 PM
I did a Yahoo search on black garlic and found a handfull of sites including: CookingEnthusiast.com & blackgarlic.com.

Also, black garlic is made by fermenting regular garlic over a few weeks in some kind of secret squirel process so I doubt you would be able to find any seeds. I don't know if planting a clove of black garlic would actually yield anything or not. Probably just regular garlic. Warren

11-20-2009, 07:32 AM
I never thought about using yahoo. Interesting.
Yes, I found several cooking sites that referenced black garlic but I didn't see blackgarlic.com come up in Google.

So, as a garden newbee...I didn't know if you planted garlic bulbs from the supermarket or if you had to buy seed. I know, sounds dumb. I should be careful about stupid questions. I see I've graduated from junior member to member. I might ge demoted. LOL

So, black garlic is made...amazing the things I've yet to learn. It does sound so good when I read the recipes and descriptions though. I love to cook but I hate to pay crazy prices for stuff. Could be that there is no black garlic in my future.


11-22-2009, 10:10 AM
I went to BlackGarlic.com and learned that I can buy it for around $4

Of course it will cost $7 to ship it, but...

Thanks for the tip