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View Full Version : leaf composting

11-17-2009, 07:56 PM
Well I decided to compost leaves in my garden instead of out at the 5 acre wood. I placed the roll of chicken wire around my tomato supports to make a place to put all the leaves I can scrounge up into. By doing it this way and not going through the trouble of erecting the fence on the 5 acres saved me time & a big headache. I have more than enough leaves on the property to turn into compost. My main issue with this is that there are plenty of red oak leaves covering all the other leaves. I've been told that too many red oak leaves would make the compost acidic. To counter this I would have to add lime to my garden. Although I do Know a few of the local farmers (it really pays to be good friends with a farmer) and I could get lime dirt cheap or free, my goal here is too add or change the soil as little as posible while saving valuable time and $$$.
The leaf bin is big enough to mow up the new leaves at one end and place the shreded ones at the other end. When all is said and done I should have a good deal of compost as well as some worms to go ice fishing with. :cool: Warren

11-24-2009, 06:47 AM
that sounds great. I especially like the way it supports fishing :)

11-30-2009, 04:00 PM
Leaves reduce down when they compost. You can also use them as mulch and you can till the leaves into your soil as well.