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View Full Version : Growing sweet potatoes in a bucket (success Yes!)

02-16-2010, 12:58 PM
I've been gone for a bit and I'm pretty late posting this. I grew sweet potatoes last year in a bucket. I harvested them around October and had them for thanksgiven. They where really good but shaped funny. I'm going to try to grow them indoors this year. I figured I'd turn the old workroom in my basement into something useful.

I have a ? how do you deal with viney veggies in a contained space. Is it okay to cut them back. I also heard that you can eat the leaves of the sweet potatoe plant, is the true? Hope all is well! I have spring fever already. I'm going to start seeds soon. It's been very snowy here in Maryland we've been digging out for about 2 weeks now. Not use to all this snow. :)

02-03-2013, 07:24 PM
I also tried growing sweet potatoes in 5 gallon plastic buckets last year. Planted three buckets and one furrow in ground. The buckets produced just as well as the in ground ones. Had enough to can 6 quarts! I will repeat again this year.:)

02-23-2013, 11:41 AM
Great job Blossom! I was planning on planting some potatoes in some buckets this year as well. I want to redo my garden area as well. I know that potatoes and tomatoes are in the Knight Shade family which are posionous plants so you might want to rethink about eating the leaves. If you are going to grow indoors be sure to use really good grow lights or you may have slow growing plants.
your friend warren.

02-23-2013, 11:57 AM
With viney veggies in a contained space you could install some sort of trellis or rope or wire so they can climb verticaly. You will have to take into account the amount of head space there is to work with and the amount of shade(light blockage) that these wonderfull vines will generate. They do make grow lights that you can have either horizontal or vertical. Hope this info is helpful and happy seed starting.