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View Full Version : Hens Not Laying

08-03-2010, 03:57 PM
When my cochin went broody my Delaware also stopped laying. Now that the cochin is no longer broody neither of them seem to be producing any eggs! Both were prolific layers at the beginning of the Summer. I was giving eggs away and still had a dozen in my refrigerator at all times. The Delaware is only a year and the cochin can't be too much more than three. I feed them layer ration and they free range most of the time.
Could the extreme heat have anything to do with it? Summer should be the most prolific laying time, right?
Also (crazy question, I know) can they choose not to lay or delay laying? Sometimes my Delaware goes into her nest box as if to lay but comes out if I am out there or if something else distracts her. She is very active and curious and it seems as though she hates to miss anything that's going on outside the nest box.
Gosh, all these questions. I feel like one of those crazy ladies with the chihuahuas..you know, they dress them up and never stop talking about them...I'm always the next in line behind those ladies at the vet's office and they keep asking the vet a million questions about Fluffy.
Thankfully, I'll never be that bad. Well, I have to sign off for now...there's a sale on chicken tutus.

Fred's Fine Fowl
08-03-2010, 10:02 PM
Those are good observations and questions...

Heat can indeed cause a hen to stop laying as well as many other factors.

Think of it this way, if the hen were producing eggs to rear offspring, then extreme heat would cause her to stop laying/producing so her chicks would come at a more survivable season. We sometimes forget that this is the reason she is producing eggs in the first place... so within that frame of thought, it's more understandable.
Also, they can become upset and stop laying, so stress is also a potential factor. Barking dogs, nearby construction or mowing can make them nervous if it's something they are not accustomed to.

Next... this time of year I have to say many problems come from drinkers going dry on hot days. HUGE problem on hot summer days with people who don't frequently tend their birds. If they lose any resource such as water or feed, they shut down production and may not resume for several weeks. Again, think of survival of chicks... if resources run out, chicks would not make it, result, egg production shuts down.... all stop... none, nadda, capput... nient... (">

If it's any consolation, my own hens have dropped about 50% of their normal laying rate for this time of year... I do suspect high temperatures and frequent summer storms (the ones that thrashed my garden!) as a contributing factor.

So... plenty of cool fresh water so they can never run out.

Cool shady shelters/coops for their protection from heat.

Proper feed/diet, possibly including oyster shell to supplement normal layer rations... low on calcium may also cause thin shells or no shells.

The three year old hen you mention may be slowing down anyway, though it's mostly hybrids that run out of eggs at around the 36 month mark...

That is all the advise I have for you at this time, hope something is helpful.

Wishing you all a great summer! I am busier than I ever have been... something's gotta give soon!


08-16-2010, 09:47 AM
Thank you Fred! You must be right about the heat. They have gone back to full time laying on these cooler days.

Fred's Fine Fowl
08-16-2010, 10:29 AM
I just knew the day would come when I would be right about "something" (">
I'm glad they are back in lay...

We are ramping up for our County Agricultural Fair over the next two weeks and I am so looking forward to that!

Bring on the poultry!!! You may bring in your eggs for judging... yes, they judge eggs!

As always,
