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View Full Version : Cottontail Friend

08-16-2010, 09:57 AM
Interesting as well as really cute. A wild rabbit has taken up residence in my yard. He was a really tiny baby and it's been fun watching him grow. The strange thing is that he seems to have bonded with my hens. He hangs out with them. When the hawk flies over they all hide in the bushes together. Every morning the bunny gets real excited when I let the chickens out of their coop. He jumps and twirls and runs right up to them. Follows them around, tries to engage them in play. It has been fun to watch.
The other morning I could not find my hens. I panicked but eventually located them in my garden (which is fenced in to prevent such an occurence) with the rabbit!
I have been trying to film their interactions but everytime I grab my camera they run off in separate directions. Lots of patience to photograph animals, right Fred?