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View Full Version : Japanese Beetles

02-16-2011, 09:11 PM
Hi there,
I have had smallish infestations of Japanese Beetles the last 2 years.
I have some bush roses which were the attraction in the first place. :(

I am just looking for non-chemical, or safer chemical treatments or tips to keep these buggers from eating my bean leafs and rose bushes!

A lot of people have said to get rid of the roses but they are one of my VERY FAVORITE things. :) So this year I just picked them off by hand.

I am sure there are grubs in the soil ready to come out this year in June. I plan on picking by hand again, but have heard a rumor about Milk Weed spore or milky spore or something like that - you sprinkle it on the soil.

Thanks for your help in advance - sorry if this is posted somewhere else by someone else.

02-16-2011, 10:33 PM
This is a hard one. There are some microbial insecticides that you can use that will kill the grubs in the soil. It should be re applies regularly in moist conditions not in the dry or hot times in the summer. There are also traps you can use, but they should be placed away from your plants. These will trap many beetles from a long distance away so you don't want more beetles to show up near your plants. Hope this helps.