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View Full Version : My new babies!

03-07-2011, 06:19 PM
Today I went to Tractor Supply and picked up 6 new chick babies! I decided on 4 Americana's (all they had left) and 2 Rhode Island Reds. I really didn't want 6 but that was the lowest number they say they can legally sell in Michigan.

They have already been drinking water and eating food and making little chicken poops. The babies seem contented with the heat lamp where it is set. My dogs are very curious and so is the cat. I made sure their brooder is very cat proof so he can look but not touch!!!

Next plan is that as soon as the snow melts to get started on a tractor so that when the babies are fully feathered, they can go outside. I made friends with a couple people at TSC that are well informed about Michigan's Right to Farm Act that can help if my city decides to push the no "livestock" ordinance. Hopefully, wonderful homegrown eggs are in my near future :) Kim

03-09-2011, 03:09 PM
Congratulations! Urban chicken keeping is a blast!