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View Full Version : City Girl

03-07-2011, 08:21 PM
Hi, everyone! I have recently moved from Oklahoma to my hometown of Buffalo, NY. While living in OK and Texas, I gained a lot of experience farming, raising milk goats, keeping chickens and rabbits. I want to find a way to bring that sustainability to the city, not just for myself and my family, but for the rest of the population. I hate the way our food is manipulated, and the higher and higher prices people have to pay for worse and worse food. I have a dream of returning cities to the self-sustaining communities they once were. I dream of turning abandoned factories into producing food facilities, harboring aquaponics and small livestock, with labor provided by the people who will ultimately benefit from the food they produce. I'm hoping to find some good ideas here that will help me prepare myself and others for this undertaking. I know a lot, but not everything, by any means! I am so happy to be a part of this forum!

03-08-2011, 01:42 PM
wow! you sound like an ideal person for the job! and an ideal contributor to this forum! I'm excited to meet you and see what your future holds in store.

03-08-2011, 06:21 PM
Buffalo needs you! Start small. Make your spot a sustainability magnet and the rest will follow.