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View Full Version : re: Genetically Engineered Foods

03-30-2011, 12:12 PM
The following is a copy/paste of something I wrote elsewhere. I thought some here might be interested in the topic.

I am always trying to get the word out to people about what is really going on in our food supply. So many people do not know that contained within every can, package, bottle, and jar on their supermarket shelves are genetically engineered foods - which the human body does not recognize and cannot process. These items have already resulted in gastrointestinal disorders and even sterility/infertility - and yet no one is willing to make the association (or even label the products "GE") for fear of starting a public riot.

To add insult to injury, alfalfa is now genetically engineered, thus even grass-fed meat (if one could find such) and dairy products are rendered non-consumable. Fish are genetically engineered themselves (such as salmon which grow at a rate four times faster than a natural salmon) or corralled into tanks and fed genetically engineered grains. GE pigs are slated to be released soon. And cows have been engineered so that their milk resembles human breast milk, so that your children can consume these altered genes from the moment of their births.

Even the clothing you wear, sheets you sleep on, and towels you bathe with are genetically altered. Engineered cotton contains a pesticide in every cell, and are designed to withstand billions of pounds of herbicides being sprayed on them continuously. Cotton is the crop sprayed the most heavily around the world. Farmers who handle cotton get more cancers than any other. And we are rubbing this into our skin and the skin of our children, thinking cotton is still natural.

The engineered crops have already begun out-crossing (crossing with natural crops) and genetically contaminating them as well. Organic farmers have lost their livelihoods due to their inability to stop the contamination of their fields. The media has deliberately withheld from us the reporting of millions of once-sustenance-capable farmers committing suicide because they are no longer able to take care of their families.

And, I surmise, the presence of these altered genes will be compounded up the food chain - meaning creatures at the top of the ladder will be receiving several layers worth of engineered genes. That really sets off my holy-sh*t-o-meter!

Absolutely nothing is being done to stop this. The media, the USDA, the FDA, etc is counting on the fact that we are all lulled into a stupor of complacency. They've flashed their brightly colored packages, catchy jingles, and celebrity spokespersons at us until we are hypnotized. They count on the fact that we care more about our favorite pop idol than we do our health, and that of our children.

The world is changing - at a genetic level. The air we breathe has been significantly altered (and I mean well before the current catastrophe in Japan) to sustain the engineered crops and be unfavorable to natural crops. This aspect is called geo-engineering and is the flip side of the coin to genetic engineering.

Well, I've said enough. You all can take it from here. Please do everything in your power to send a message that we want foods labeled as genetically engineered (as it already is in Europe.) Then send a message straight into their pocketbooks by refusing to purchase these foods. Thank you for your time.

03-30-2011, 12:20 PM
if you would like documentation of what I have said, please read Seeds of Deception (http://www.amazon.com/Seeds-Deception-Government-Genetically-Engineered/dp/0972966587/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1301501896&sr=8-1), and watch The Future of Food (http://topdocumentaryfilms.com/the-future-of-food/), and The World According to Monsanto (http://topdocumentaryfilms.com/the-world-according-to-monsanto/). Thank you.