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View Full Version : Pluggin away

07-30-2013, 11:05 PM
Well, I was able to get my pesticide applicators license this year. So now instead of stump grinding for the city Of Grand Rapids Forestry Dept. I have been treating Ash trees for the Emerald Ash Borer. I am roughly half way through the list of 700+ trees that will be treated in the city parks and streets this year.
Its been a really great experience so far. I learned quite a bit while studying up to take the applicators test. It re-opened my eyes to how we directly or indirectly impact our environment. It also made me a bit more curious about some of the little critters out in our garden. I found out that the neat looking red-orange moth happily bouncing around the squash:D was the dreaded Squash Vine Borer :mad:. Thank you internet. I was able to wipe out 3 separate egg clusters over a 4 day period thus maintaining air and ground supremacy. :cool:
Well, got to go get some rest. Tomorrow is another day to kick some Ash!