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10-08-2008, 03:03 PM
Hi everybody!

I'm a backyard gardener working at being more self sufficient in Wyoming. The big challenge here is our very short growing season (90-100 days if we're lucky). And then of course there is the wind and the hail storms.

This year was my fourth year vegetable gardening and I planted 100 sq. ft. bio-intensively. I was really pleased with the results (even after we had severe hail and snow on one of the last days of May). I'm working on extending the growing season so I made a hoop house out of pvc pipe and plastic and I'm still going even though we've had several frosts here already. Unfortunately, the forecast is for lows in the high teens this weekend so that might be it for a lot of stuff.

My big plans are to construct raised beds in a sunnier part of my yard for next year and increase the area to 150 sq. ft. I'm really excited, but right now I seem to be doing more planning than constructing so I'd better get cracking. I'm hoping that using the hoop house in the Spring will let me plant a month earlier next year.

Okay, well this was long - thanks to anyone who cared enough to read it all.

Good gardening,


10-08-2008, 08:51 PM
Welcome! My uncle lived in Wyoming, Casper to be precise.

I feel for your short growing season. Hoop covers is what I use, though it rarely drops below 20 here. Is a greenhouse in your plans? That would extend your season well indeed!

10-09-2008, 05:13 AM
Hi Annette, I hope your hoop house goes well for you. My own growing season is being cut off early due to health issues. Hopefully I will be able to try to extend my growing season with hoops next year. I hope you will be able to share some of your experiences with use. Kim

10-11-2008, 01:25 AM
Hey, Sinfonian, I follow your blog. It's been a real inspiration to me. To answer your question, I would LOVE to have a greenhouse. Hopefully in the future. I have a perfect spot for one (or I will when I finally get rid of the old hot tub that's sitting there). Of course, money is always an issue, but it's on my list for the future. Eventually it will probably be a necessity if I'm serious about growing most of my own veggies here!

10-11-2008, 05:08 AM
Welcome Annette!! A possibility you could try to help protect your plants longer was mentioned on another thread--a PVC frame covered with plastic. It isn't a fancy greenhouse, but I'll bet it would help a little. Plus, it's cheap. I'm all about cheap, and besides--I love PVC anyway--so useful!! :D

10-12-2008, 01:30 PM
Thanks Abbey - I actually have a pvc/plastic hope (hmm, that was a typo, but maybe it's appropriate) house over the garden now. It's new this Fall and it has helped me extend the season significantly already. The low has been around 29 here the last two nights and my zucchini still looks great. Unfortunately, it's supposed to be around 20 the next two nights. Maybe I'm crazy, but I'm wondering if I might be able to make it through if I put some plastic gallon jugs of hot water out there. I probably wouldn't bother, but my zucchini has finally recovered from a hail storm and has several baby zucc's and several flowers on it. And I fought through our 50 mph winds yesterday without giving up and taking the plastic down so I kind of hate to give up now.

By the way, I loved looking at your raised bed plans - especially since I'm planning raised beds for next year too!

10-12-2008, 05:27 PM
Thanks, Annette! I've actually made a few changes to that plan int he last several days....I've been inspired by Patti to try and plant closer, plus I did some additional research on the internet, so I've squeezed a few extras things in and changed a few quantities. I had a hairbrained idea about trellising my squash and zucchini for next year, so I put that up in another thread, too. This year was the first garden at this house, so I will still be experimenting for some years to come (does it ever really stop?). I put it all in an Excel file, so if you're interested I can email to you. PM me and let me know. That goes for anyone!

10-12-2008, 08:02 PM
Welcome Annette, another fan of Richies(Sinfonian). Don't forget to share pics!