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View Full Version : Lorian / herb girl from PA (south central)

herb girl
10-11-2008, 03:16 PM
Hello all! I am so excited to see this forum go up!
I've been a fan of Patti's for a while. I heard of her first on Homesteading Today
and my girls and I watch every single one of her videos. Although we live in the country now, we did live in Chicago area for a while and were suburban homesteaders for a number of years.

I'm a homesteading, homeschooling, herbalist mom. I'm passionate about anything to do with organic gardening, I grow and study herbs (20 years), we raise chickens (have an heirloom flock) and turkeys and we LOVE to cook.
I'm a former florist and I love to do "green" crafts with kids. My own and others. We are also quite experienced in gluten free cooking/baking and I teach nutrition classes.

I have a reflexology/massage practice and most of my clients are Amish.

We live in the midst of Amish country and I have many Amish friends that have taught me so much about this homesteading/off grid life.

My kids are pretty passionate themselves about the country and they each have their own area of expertise.

We love having people over to educate about the homesteading life.

Thanks Patti, your doing a great job!! I'm praying your message continues to spread all across America. Hopefully, with the economy the way it is, people will seek this life style out more and more.

10-12-2008, 08:40 AM
So nice to have you on the forums. It sounds like you have a lot of information to teach us! I hope you can post lots of info on growing herbs as this is pretty new to me, except the usuals like oregano, thyme, and chives. Kim

10-12-2008, 08:01 PM
Welcome Herb Girl! So happy to have you here, please share your wisdom with us all.

Patti the Garden Girl

10-15-2008, 09:58 PM
Wow, you do have a wealth of information to share. Here's to hoping you glean more from the site than you knew before! Welcome.