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View Full Version : Hi from southern Colorado!!!

12-07-2008, 07:51 PM
Hello to you all. Im comin to you from southern Colorado,on a small patch of weed coverd ground that will one day be my EDEN.
Calling this home is my family (wife of 17 years,3 girls,1 severly out gunned boy,3 dogs,5 cats,4 ducks,1 turkey and 19 chickens). We moved back to Trinidad 9 years ago to be with the folks and I have re-found my roots all over again. Since we arrived we have built the house the shed and last summer a reel nice chicken coop. I am learning day by day about this going green stuff and have only learned that I think my 5 year old knows more than I do!
Last year was my first attempt at composting and yes it did look good but, it was packed full of grubs. I got the tempature nice and hot but they got through, so if anybodys got a hint on that I would love to hear it.(I got the manure from a very close by horse farm if that helps).
The garden this year was my first attempt at a big one and welllll the weeds were to die for! The vegeies well not so much.The one thing I did learn is why you never see a young person with the "1st place" ribbon at the fair.They just havent screwed up enough yet...but as Dorie said on Finding Nemo,"just keep swiming"
The project for this winter will be a root cellar and this spring a 2000 gallon water collection system.
So if you all dont mind I would love any thoughts and advice. And as the bumper sticker on my P/U sais, "proud to be oil feild trash" Jayson

12-08-2008, 10:00 AM
Welcome to the group. The first couple years of gardening are learning experiences for most of us. I found out that no matter how hard I try, I simply cannot grow a good head of cauliflower...but I keep trying because one day I may figure it out. Sorry to hear about the grubs in your compost. I am not sure how or why they got there but I wonder what you are composting. Do you have grubs in other parts of your yard or could it possible be brought in with the manure? Good luck. Kim

12-08-2008, 03:05 PM
Hi konnisoj!
You sound really cool with all these animals!;)

12-08-2008, 07:26 PM
Well my proud new Oil Field refugee, welcome to the boards! I am so excited to hear from some cold climate modern homesteading pioneers. Did you try having the chickens tear through the compost. The grubs would be healthy treats for them.

Put a spread out the compost on a tarp maybe and put the birds on it before you put it in the garden bed?

Just a couple of thoughts. Throw it into the Compost thread and lets see if we can work out an a solution.

All the best and welcome.