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View Full Version : Knit hats

12-17-2008, 08:57 AM
Can anyone share a simple pattern for a childs knit hat? I know how to knit, purl, increase, and decrease. I am sure I could use double pointed needles and round ones...point me in the right direction and I will figure it out. Kim

12-18-2008, 08:20 AM
Most hats are k2 p2 in a round. Get to appropriate length and decrease every 2 rows. I'll have to go find an exact pattern for you, but that's the basics.

12-18-2008, 03:54 PM
I picked up several cute kids hat patterns from Save the Children's Survive to 5 Knit One Save One Campaign. (http://www.savethechildren.org/programs/health/child-survival/survive-to-5/knit-one-save-one.html) (The patterns can be found about half-way down the page on the left side.)

The patterns are adorable, and if you make more than you can use, please help support this wonderful cause. It helps to prevent death by thermal loss in third world nation' children under the age of 5.

When I think about how fortunate I am to have several children and grandchildren all of whom survived past the age of 5 because I don't live in third world conditions, I can't help but donate several caps every winter.

01-04-2009, 06:33 PM
Most hats are k2 p2 in a round. Get to appropriate length and decrease every 2 rows. I'll have to go find an exact pattern for you, but that's the basics.

How do I know what is the correct number of stitches to cast on? I have size 8 needles and am making a hat for a 4 year old. Kim