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View Full Version : How to live well for less

02-18-2009, 09:18 AM
I felt a bit bored and wanted to know my secrets of living well for less!
1) Travel: Try to stay off the car and go cycling or walk to work but if you HAVE to use the car, buy a car which has a low petrol consumption. And if your using the car, team up with neighbours and you can drive them too!
2) Shop locally: Supermarkets aren't actually the cheapest source of food. Try visiting your local market as lower overheads should mean lower prices.
3) Shop online: Check out the bargains online before racing ahead to your shop. Go on comparison sites as this might help.
4) Cancel gym membership: If you don't use your gym regularly cancel your membership immediately, even if you do it's easy to exercise for free. Try running from work, you might save enough money for a exercise bike.
5) Use you library: Don't waste all that money on expensive books if you have a local library, use the library! The good thing is they even have cooking books, gardening books and all of these books!
6) Take up money saving hobbies: You can find something which is both interesting and fun to do, rather than going to the pub try something new! Like gardening, knitting and etc. If you want to buy tickets for any concert or etc. Buy the tickets when they are first out on sale.
By the way, I'm more than happy to give tips to people about saving money cos I know a lot of things about it!