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View Full Version : Hello from Central/Western Mass

Tammy Doherty
03-10-2009, 10:29 PM
Hi Patti,
I know you are going to be doing an appearance on May 16th. I wanted to let you know that the town next door to where you'll be is having their annual Asparagus & Flower Heritage Festival on the same day, from 10 to 4. If you have time, it's a fun fair and devoted to horticulture/agriculture. We'll be there, selling rhubarb, raspberry, blueberry and strawberry plants (and perennials). There's lots of other plant related stuff, and of course a boatload of asparagus stuff :)
I hope you enjoy your time out here in Western Mass, whether you visit the fair or not. I love that you are doing so much to promote gardening - especially in urban areas where a touch of green can lighten up any bleak landscape.

(whose husband works for the place where you'll be on the 16th)
(oh, I'm avoiding names - so as not to seem like I'm just advertising)

03-11-2009, 12:32 PM
Oh asparagus season, will it ever arrive?

03-11-2009, 01:05 PM
May is turning out to be a super busy month for me. Feel free to let people know where I will be and when.

It becomes a blur for me. But western mass means Hardwick, just bought a bunch of chicken and bunny feed from them! I love to meet people and plants, see if the folks at Hardwick can set me up with a little help for the flower show in your town, since you have connections with those people!

Lets see in May:

The Baker Creek Festival in Mo! Hardwick farms, Lawn and Hardware show in Vegas and my Drip irrigation special video back in Boston.

03-11-2009, 01:37 PM
Welcome! Hope you enjoy this forum! I wish I lived in the US! Then I could go to all these festivals!

03-11-2009, 01:44 PM
Ecogirl, I just told my daughter if we go to the UK we probably have a place to stay!