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View Full Version : Fingerling Potatoes....

03-27-2009, 11:33 AM
I bought a 3 lb bag of "mixed" fingerling potatoes the other day. They are supposed to be Rose Finn, Russian Banana, French Fingerling, and LaRatte Fingerling. I only can tell that there are 3 varieties in the bag though.

Several of the potatoes have eyes that are beginning to grow..... and, well, you know me, I'm always up for an experiment in the garden LOL So, I'm thinking of growing some of these fingerling potatoes (they are quite tasty!!!). So, what I don't know is will the stems of the plants produce roots and then potatoes if they are "hill-ed" like other late-maturing potato varieties? If so, I might want to try growing these in one of Sinfonian's "Build-As-You-Grow" potato bins.

Does anyone have any experience on growing fingerling potatoes?

03-27-2009, 11:47 AM
hate to chime in when I don't have an answer, but couldn't resist the urge to say, "YUM!"

Plant a hill for me, too, please! LOL!! ;)

03-28-2009, 03:28 AM
I have Russian Banana fingerlings too and they are a late season potato. I think I read on Sinfonian's blog that late season crops are the ones to use in the potato bins because they set growth over a longer period of time.

03-28-2009, 05:35 PM
You should be fine with your potatoes. If you really want to be sure, check out my blog page and look up the varieties to make sure they are not early varieties. It is my understanding that mid-season will work ok in my BAYGBins. I say this because my Buttes are sometimes referred to as mid-season and they worked fine.

I agree, gardening is an experiment. So I say go for it.
