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View Full Version : Dog hid food, rotten smell is unbearable

04-01-2009, 01:21 AM
Hi my Yorkie Terrier recently thought it’d be a funny joke to hide a small bag of potatoes under my furniture awhile back. I wondered where the smell came from for weeks as it got worse and worse, until I found the potatoes underneath my couch, crawling with maggots. I cleaned the nasty mess about a week ago but there’s still an Odor that lingers (http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20060816083120AA0wlP8) over that section of the couch. I need a strong Odor Chemical (http://www.adbio.com/odor/uses/odor-control-chemicals-2.htm), perhaps something along the lines of Dog Odor Solutions (http://www.mistermax.com/). Any tips? Thanks

04-01-2009, 04:35 AM
You could try Natures Miracle. It is in a red and white bottle and you can find it at pet stores. It is advertised for removing pet stains and odours but it works well on non-pet related stains/smells too. If you can't find it you could try sprinkling baking soda on the spot and on the couch too. Leave it for a while, maybe a day, and then vacuum it up. Hope that helps!

04-03-2009, 10:22 AM
Something that I've always used for organic type odors is vinegar.... try a little in a spray bottle on a stop on your couch that no one can see (just to make sure the vinegar doesn't hurt the fabric).

I would spray the couch, the underside of the couch as well as the floor with the vinegar. At first the area will smell like vinegar, but when that smell goes away, so will your bad rotten odor. Oh, also I would 1/2 the vinegar with water...

Good luck!!

07-13-2009, 04:38 PM
I do like the vinegar and water idea. I did research of a bunch of different products as well. I have a pet stain remover (http://www.mistermax.com) that has worked well along with the water and vinegar.