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View Full Version : Planting Dwarf Trees & Blueberries

04-09-2009, 03:11 PM
I'd like to add a couple of dwarf apple trees and blueberry bushes to my garden this year. I had planned on putting them in containers/pots/etc. Just not directly in the ground. I am in zone 4 barely, we're very close to zone 3, though zone 4 plants do fine here depending on the winter. I'm concerned if I put these in containers the roots will not be able to survive our harsh winters. Do I have to put them in the ground? I don't have much room in my yard to put them in the ground.

Also how far apart do I need to plant my dwarf honeycrisp apple trees?

04-09-2009, 07:26 PM
For apples I think it depends on what variety of apples you have and what the rootstock is. I know honeycrisp apples grow in parts of Ontario that are considered zone 4 so they could be grown in the ground. Apples are grafted onto different rootstocks that result in a dwarf tree. Most apples are on M106 rootstock but if you want to grow them in a container you can look for M27 which is very dwarfing. Also, what shape are your apple trees? I think espalier or cordon shapes would be the easiest to have in a container.