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View Full Version : Garden expansion

04-21-2009, 06:04 PM
My husband has been feeling really good the past couple weeks and was able to finish constructing a couple more raised beds for me. I now have 4 boxes to fill with soil and plant. 2 will be used primarily for tomatoes and trellis vegetables, 1 will be for blueberries and lignon berries and the other was to be for flowers but I am leaning more towards bringing over a lot of raspberries from my other house. I found out our city gives away wood chips and my son already loaded 1 trailer full which I spread over the garden paths and we will be getting another to finish off the areas I want to cover. It is helping out a lot as the paths always flooded badly and I would sink up to my ankles. Well we had a lot of rain the past couple days and I was able to get out to the garden in tennis shoes and not get my feet wet. We also placed 2 44 gallon trash cans as rainbarrels which are now full. I wish I had the money for a couple more but that will come in time. Now all I have left to do is get a truck load of compost to fill the beds and plant. Kim

04-22-2009, 10:23 AM
Wow! That's great that he got that much done. You have a ton of new space. Very cool. Can't wait for the planting.

04-23-2009, 03:55 PM
I've always wondered what it would take to build a sistern for collecting rainwater.