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View Full Version : BEES... and the plants they prefer

Fred's Fine Fowl
05-01-2009, 11:04 AM
If you are interested in planting for bees and benefiting from other pollinators, here is the article you should read.


Just another call for Patti's model of Urban Sustainable Living and being rid of that manicured, weed free lawn so many pollute (oops, strive) for...

The non-native honey bee is not the only pollinator, but all pollinators are in decline. Why? Look at suburban lawns... I ask you, what's wrong with weeds?

If I look at a lawn and it's a mono-culture, void of weeds... then be certain, it's been inundated with chemical treatments.

This article also looks at non-native plantings and how bees refrain from pollinating them, preferring to dine on native species.



05-01-2009, 04:17 PM
Interesting article. Thanks for sharing!

05-01-2009, 07:43 PM
Great article. I had no idea when I was hand polinating my tomatoes that it was the cause of the size I got out if it. I have yet to plant to attract polinators to my garden, though I have plenty of native plants elsewhere in my yard to help out my fruit trees. I'll have to see about splitting and transplanting some native plants into pots in my garden.

05-17-2009, 12:10 PM
When me and the wife talked about planting a full garden last year I made it a point to also talk to her about needing pollinators. You see my wife is afraid of insects. So after agreeing that we needed them I started ordering and informing the neighbors. The neighborhood actually liked the idea and for the most part they have all started gardens again. The only downside I see with having a backyard apiary is that every time I am in the yard the neighbors always want to come over to talk and watch the bees.:D here is a picture of me putting the girls into their new home.


and if you want a laugh watch the video of me putting them into the hive and my wife, well being herself. http://www.youtube.com/user/vermmy35

Garden Green
05-17-2009, 04:27 PM
That video is hilarious! I hope your wife is doing better with the bees now.

05-17-2009, 04:52 PM
Oh, she's doing much better I have even caught her out there watching them to relax. She still won't come more that 20 to 25 feet from the hive, but at least she don't run from them every time they come close to her.

05-18-2009, 12:12 AM
Oh, I couldn't stop laughing. It is so not funny about people's phobias, but OMG. I must say I love bees but couldn't do what you do.