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View Full Version : Cash Crop of Ginseng or Goldenseal?

05-25-2009, 11:22 AM
Okay now that I am all excited about fish in a barrel (:o I've been asking everyone did you know you can raise catfish in a barrel?)

I've been looking into the idea of growing ginseng or goldenseal on my lot. I have not alot of shade but I think the raised beds with slatted slanted lids of sorts will provide mock shade that is normally given by the forest floor.

Of course in my state, a ginseng grower (even for your own use in the backyard) requires an annual license of 35 bucks but it does give me access to other sellers if I choose to turn this into a cash crop (at 200-300 dollars a lb for roots)

This would be a long term project since most ginseng can't be harvested til about 3 or 4 years but I was wondering if anyone else had tried this and what the results were?