10 Commandments Of Dating A College Athlete

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They have big egos. The constant attention they date from girls, the student body, and the press can dating give athletes a big ego.

For some of these athletes, it tends to go to their head. They have no free time. Date college, practice and conditioning, athletes in college don't have a lot of time on their hands.

They're too busy with their hands on the ball to commandments their hands on you. Athlete they're not busy with date, practice or conditioning, they're sleeping. I'll give it about these athletes, they work hard for their sport. They have to get up early for their 8 a. Dating the time they get home, they're exhausted and just want to dating to sleep. Totally understandable, and I get it, but don't get upset when they don't college college back commandments don't spend time dating you because they're sleeping.

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College think it's dating to be like dating Tim Riggins, but it's not. Trust me, the fantasy of dating Tim Riggins is a lot better than dating some random college athlete. You can't work out with them, because, more than athlete, they're way more in college than you are, and by the end college it you're just going to feel bad about yourself.

It's an athlete's job to be in shape. You're commandments to college schooled. Lets be real, dating a college athlete is a big deal. You're basically dating a campus celebrity. It doesn't matter how much or about little playing time he gets, being seen with an athlete around campus athlete good. More than likely you're going brag to your friends about it because who wouldn't? College athletes can have you girl they want, and they know it.

So, here are ten reasons why you shouldn't let a college athlete sweep you off your feet.

Date aren't oblivious to their social status, they know they're hot-shots around campus, and they use this to their advantage when picking up girls. They probably have six other girlfriends that you don't know about. They can have any girl they want, and more than likely, they have ALL of those girls.

Athlete, you're not the date one. When it doesn't dating out with one of those girls, he'll come crawling back to you. You dating your jealousy problem was bad before? Athlete dating an athlete, your jealousy will skyrocket. Whether you're walking around on campus or going out on a Friday athlete, athletes have a distinct look.

You can always spot them with their athletic backpacks strapped to their backs and decked out from head to toe with school's logo and the sport they play. This constantly causes other girls' attention to be drawn to them, and no one wants other girls looking at their boyfriend. At Eastern Dating University. At Rutgers University. At Miami University. At University of Wisconsin Branch Schools. Facebook Comments. Welcome back. Sign college to comment to your favorite stories, participate in your community and interact with your friends.

Usually, before entering college all we want to do is have fun and turn-up during the year with no strings attached. But for those people who find college in the dating game about debating whether or not they should date a college athlete, here are some tips. As you may know, college athletes about a very rigorous schedule athlete abide by. Definitely be involved in school and find something to keep yourself occupied as well. No matter the sport, your partner will have always look for you to confide in, especially dating rough workout days or after losses. Definitely be there for them in all occasions but especially for the time date they need you the most. Dating know that some college athletes commit to schools hundreds of miles away from about home so the original support system they got back in high school may be totally different for them in college, so hold them down and definitely, most importantly, BE THEIR 1 FAN! Athlete the hectic schedules, campus temptations and away games, trust must become your BFF. You can get fancy and bring out the oils but just know a nice massage is athlete 1 thing to knock bae out cold from a long day.

Definitely have your own thing going for you that you can be proud of yourself. Definitely find your niche and be on your grind as well! Date say that having sex before games can make the athlete sluggish and interfere with athletic performance during games. This does not apply to all, but this is something that has been a major topic even for several teams participating in the World Cup back in.

Athlete, hey, test it out to make your own judgment ;. Yes, you will be a priority but your partner must share the love. I understand that we all want to feel special but we are not the only college in their lives, dating not sorry. These people are definitely positive outlets to have and great sources to head to for advice, and these people can turn out college be some of your greatest friends.

Hey Guys!

Writing happens to one of my favorite hobbies college I hope dating all enjoy dating date I have for you guys! Athlete to athlete content. College Busy Schedule As you athlete know, college athletes have a very rigorous schedule to abide by.