Plant Files: Hostas

They’re everywhere and you may not even know what they’re called. They’re called Hostas and they are one of my favorite landscape plant. These hardy, herbaceous, perennials have leaves and stems that die down at the end of the growing season.  As you watch, you’ll recognize them. They’re all over doctors offices, public spaces, parks, lobbies, and in the backyards of all of your wise gardening friends.

Did you know there are over 2500 varieties of Hosta plants?  They’re so popular because of how easy they are to grow, their lush appearance, and the fact that there are so many varieties. Hostas come in blue, green, yellow, gold, and even “striped two-toned” varieties.  A little known fact is that the blue Hostas are actually green, but have a wax on them that gives them a slightly blue hue.  Most gardeners do not flock to Hostas for their flowers, they choose them for their lush foliage. The fact that they actually do flower is just the cherry on top! Hostas bloom their white lily-like flowers in the spring and are always beautiful and surprising.

I have planted a few different varieties of Hostas in my garden and I'm not alone.  Another reason that smart gardeners choose Hostas is because they are shade tolerant and can easily transform an unglamorous shady spot into a lush attention-grabber.  They are often chosen as decorative borders surrounding plants or trees.

The thing I admire most about Hostas is that they are generous plants, multiplying every year.  In a few years one Hosta plant can be divided into many plants. After 3 or 4 years planted in your landscape, you can easily divide them in early spring when there is enough time to establish the new transplants.

In early spring the shoots are smaller making them easier to dig up and divide and giving them the best chance of reestablish themselves in the garden. Because your Hostas will be generous, you too will become more generous; dividing  them up throughout your garden and giving them as gifts to friends and neighbors.

Garden Girl Hostas Tips: