Shaker Medicinal Herb Garden

Shakers learned everything they know about staying healthy from Native American wisdom.  Today I am going to show you how to make three holistic teas that have been keeping people free from common complaints for thousands of years.  Be sure to ask your doctor before using these teas, especially if you are taking a prescription medicine.

I am going to make three types of medicinal teas: Hyssop Blue, Feverfew and Bee Balm. Hyssop Blue is known for it's assistance for chest congestion and coughs. Feverfew prevents migraine headaches and should be drank daily as a preventative measure.  Bee Balm helps with nausea and digestive issues.

There's nothing to it. Once you have harvested these herbs from your garden, just boil distilled water and add the cleaned herbs into the water. Let it steep for ten  minutes.  Medicinal herbs can be slightly bitter, so feel free to add some honey or sugar.

Delicious. And, good for you!