Vertical Gardening with Watermelon

Watermelons are vining crops. Large vining crops – but don’t let their size intimidate you. (Watermelons can grow from 1 to 250 pounds!) City gardeners are still in the game. You, too, can grow watermelons on vines in a small space for the same refreshing result.  This short clip shows you how I use a version of a sandwich bag tie – these come in a roll and you can choose the length you want – to attach your plants to the upright support. You should attach your stems in several different places along the trellis and train them to weave through at the top.  Watermelons take anywhere from 60 to 120 days to fruit.

But it’s worth every second! Use an ice box watermelon variety when you growing them up a vertical support.  Larger watermelons over 5 lbs are to heavy to grow vertically.